Thursday, May 8, 2008

Great Idea - Great Execution - Great Cross Platform Campaign

How do you make an ordinary product memorable? Tie it to a great idea. You may have spotted Lincoln Financial Group's new ad campaign which is basically, Meet Your Future Self. In the commercial present selfs meet 'future selves' (think Back to the Future). I found three commercials on YouTube. The sound is out of sync on the Plane, and there is a noisy interlude on the Nursery. The third one is called ER, I got the old raised hair on the back of neck with one of them.

In each commercial the future self gives the today self' advice, thoughts and compliments about planning for the future and future planning well done. It's simple, elegant and fun, driving home the message about what life can be like in the future - if you save. The LFG web site has a campaign companion which further fleshes out the idea -- what if you could speak to your futureself.

This is strong creative work, and it will be interesting to see how this concept plays out on their bottom line. The site upsells all the services offered by LFG in a smart, compelling, and easy to understand way.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What Streaming Video on News Sites is Telling You

The quality of video streaming on the web is improving on a weekly basis. Watching the election results last night was almost like watching live TV. A few glitches and halts, but on the whole I turned the TV off, yet I felt like I was watching it on my computer. I bounced around between various network newscasts and found that it was easy to watch the election highlights on the net. This morning I watched highlights of Tim Russert's appearance on TODAY (they are getting better at the cross promotion stuff) and then listened to a series of stories about the flooding in Myamar/Burma.

What all of this tells us is that the newscast format is alive and well on the web, and that there is no reason that it cannot be applied to numerous storytelling applications for clients. A newscast (or some version of it) doesn’t have to cost a lot, and it can stay on top of the changing communications and marketing needs of clients. No pun intended, but this is a communications tsunami looming, and the sooner clients get on board, the more ahead of the curve they will find themselves.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

More Video Production Thoughts and Comments

News about our video production work can be found on the blog at .
We are three experienced news pros -- we have worked for national news networks such as CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN anPublish Postd on multiple documetary productions. Best in class productions. Charlie Stuart, Paul Dewey and David Saltman are the producers behind deweymedia at . We make videos stand out from the pack See our work at deweymedia and see the client list.